Window In The Old City At Night - Instruction Guide -

Sometimes a design is influenced by music and dance. The WINDOW IN THE OLD CITY series is just that. It is an interpretation of song and dance from cultures of the old world. The commonality in folk and gypsy music from Eastern Europe, the Far East, the Middle East and even Ireland is astounding. They all evoke swirls and spins, twirls and jumps. One can hear it in the melodies and voices of wonderful singers from all around the world. In this series the stitcher will hear it from the canvas. This is the second of the series. Use of embellishments such as glass beads and fresh water pearls makes the most of the canvas. Stitched on black canvas, this piece is striking and significant!
Stitched on 18 count canvas.
We pride ourselves, here at Adorn, for the detailed instructions that come with color diagrams and Master Charts. If you choose the printed book option, you will get Master Charts laminated, giving them a long life in your stash of designs.Window In The Old City At Night
Instruction Guide - $25.00
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About the Window In The Old City At Night Instruction Guide
Sometimes a design is influenced by music and dance. The WINDOW IN THE OLD CITY series is just that. It is an interpretation of song and dance from cultures of the old world. The commonality in folk and gypsy music from Eastern Europe, the Far East, the Middle East and even Ireland is astounding. They all evoke swirls and spins, twirls and jumps. One can hear it in the melodies and voices of wonderful singers from all around the world. In this series the stitcher will hear it from the canvas. This is the second of the series. Use of embellishments such as glass beads and fresh water pearls makes the most of the canvas. Stitched on black canvas, this piece is striking and significant!
Stitched on 18 count canvas.
We pride ourselves, here at Adorn, for the detailed instructions that come with color diagrams and Master Charts. If you choose the printed book option, you will get Master Charts laminated, giving them a long life in your stash of designs.