Equilibrium - Instruction Guide -

I like contrast, (which is good since I find so much in my personality). Introvert, extrovert, organized, chaotic, enjoy free form, adore symmetry. Equilibrium is on my symmetry loving side, it's name telling the story of the balance one feels when things are right. The two colorways for this design, one with teals and fuchsias the other with an array of purples, are listed in the instruction guide.
Stitched on 18 count canvas.
We pride ourselves, here at Adorn, for the detailed instructions that come with color diagrams and Master Charts. If you choose the printed book option, you will get Master Charts laminated, giving them a long life in your stash of designs.
Instruction Guide - $20.00
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About the Equilibrium Instruction Guide
I like contrast, (which is good since I find so much in my personality). Introvert, extrovert, organized, chaotic, enjoy free form, adore symmetry. Equilibrium is on my symmetry loving side, it's name telling the story of the balance one feels when things are right. The two colorways for this design, one with teals and fuchsias the other with an array of purples, are listed in the instruction guide.
Stitched on 18 count canvas.
We pride ourselves, here at Adorn, for the detailed instructions that come with color diagrams and Master Charts. If you choose the printed book option, you will get Master Charts laminated, giving them a long life in your stash of designs.